Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tomato Hornworms

Tomato Hornworms are the larva of a huge moth called five-spotted hawkmoth. You may find them on your tomato plants in July or August. The one pictured here was about 2 inches long, but they get as much as twice that size. They can really strip the leaves of the tomato plant!

I usually first notice bare stems, which gives me a clue I have a problem. So I look for worm droppings. I can usually spot the actual worm with a little inspecting. I simply remove the worm from the plant and carry it far away from the garden.

You may see a tomato hornworm with what looks like grains of rice hanging from it. This unfortunate worm has a wasp parasite that will ultimately kill the worm. Even though the worm has been eating MY tomatoes, I do feel a little sorry for it. A little sorry.

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